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I Am Thinking Of Camping This Summer? This Is What You Need To Know

Camp at home in your area to fix any problems you encounter. If you don’t feel safe, trust your instinct and move on. You don’t have to disconnect or pack a camp, you can just walk away. Even larger items such as tents and sleeping bags can be worth renting.

Of course, both unemployed, we couldn’t afford this great trip to break the bank. Therefore, in our schedule, it became an excellent balancing act between not spending all the money we save and maintaining as much comfort as possible while on the move. In the end, we managed not to return home completely bankrupt. Whether you’re planning a week-long outdoor vacation or a month-long excursion, here are some cheap tips I’ve learned while preparing for the road trip that won’t sacrifice all the conveniences of home. Last fall, my fiancé and I left our desk jobs full-time looking for adventure and hoped to discover unknown opportunities.

So make sure to end your journey by feeling rested and unimplemented, creating a beautiful place to rest and taking the time to relax every day. For a comfortable night’s sleep, invest in a good camping mattress, such as the Velocity Alps air mattress, light but comfortable ($ 120, Check that you have all the necessary parts for the tent, the right fuel for the camp heater and whether your backpack can be adapted to all walking equipment. Whether I open new products or plan a multi-day tour, I put it all in my backyard to make sure everything is ready. What you don’t have is cheap to find in places like a military redundant store or thrift stores. There I bought original equipment such as cast iron pans, backpack tents, waterproof matches, extra tent teeth, a rubber hammer, a tent broom and kitchen utensils.

Road trips are a great opportunity to connect with old friends you wanted to visit. And after living on the road for a week or two, staying with a friend for one night can be very refreshing. During our trip we made pit stops in three different houses where we could shower, refuel, rearrange the car, wash clothes and sleep in a warm bed for free. Don’t forget this step before bringing in your four-legged friend.

Without a tent you feel like a turtle that has lost its shell. There is a reason turtles usually don’t lose their shells. His tent is his dry and safe place, his room and his sacred refuge. In addition to independence and freedom through your backpacker journey, it is also the means to see the world without paying EVERY night for accommodation.

Finding sites side by side may be a bit more difficult, so try booking well in advance if you need multiple campsites. If your camping trip with friends becomes a regular tradition, you can alternate who chooses the camp and reserve it for each trip. We have an email chain with our friends that we are excited every year, and it makes it very easy to see what we did the year before. A spreadsheet is also a great idea that I finally made after a few years of camping trips. Texting, on the other hand, will be very difficult to find among all the other texts you send to your friends all year round. Your system does not have to be super stylish, but make sure you can easily refer later.