Tag: oktoberfest

  • How To Choose The Perfect Dirndl For Oktoberfest

    The priceless thing about fashion houses like Hirmer is certainly consulting. There is a wide range of dirndl blouses, but most of them are white or ecru; Black blouses are sometimes worn with black dirndls for special occasions. The most common material for dirndl blouses is the cotton batist, but thicker fabrics, linen and even… Read more

  • 6 Reasons Why You Should Go To Oktoberfest

    Let yourself be carried away by the fun and contagious atmosphere in the main beer tent, where long tables are set up so you can meet new friends or party with loved ones and enjoy Ompha-Ompha music. In addition, dancing at the tables is not only allowed, but also recommended, so saturated. It is specially… Read more