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Repair And Paint Outer Stucco

The mixture is thrown on the wall and then the excess is pushed with a steel trowel. The steel trowel leaves a smooth finish, but you can also get a more structured finish with a plastic palette. Stucco is heavy, so it is generally recommended for the interior walls of houses. But there are some outer stucco finishes that are lighter than others.

Modern homes can have sleek, contemporary finishes with a sand or trowel finish, but they can also have a more uniquely structured finish depending on the designer’s preferences. When choosing stucco textures for home-style homes, you provide an interesting contrast between smooth stucco and rough stucco. Stucco is a type of plaster coating that can be used both on the surface of the building inside and outside. However, it is a very durable, cheaper, harder, mold resistant and durable patch that you can have.

While it can be an expensive solution, it is also a long-term investment that can help protect your home from further damage. According to coating experts, a stucco coating should be remedied when the material is old, crumbles and shows signs of mold and moisture infiltration. At Distinctive Homes, we’re here to help homeowners solve their stucco kitchen renovation contractor garnet valley pa failure problem and save their homes through our stucco remediation and coat replacement. We will replace your defective stucco with durable fiber cement coating such as James Hardie or vinyl coating, so you can say goodbye to your coating problems once and for all. Our Southeast PA area is said to be the world capital of stucco failure.

We urge stucco owners to thoroughly inspect the outside for moisture intrusion. Although Chapman does not perform these tests, we can direct him to whom he can contact. The reason Chapman doesn’t perform these tests is because we want owners to trust their decision with a third party to perform the test. Once tested, we go in and evaluate the work on what needs to be done and keep you informed every step of the way. Then, instead of stucco, we usually install James Hardie fiber cement coating, but we also work with vinyl coating.

While you may be tempted to easily repair the cracks, you only offer a temporary solution. If the cracks are deep enough, chances are the water is already filtered. In the past three to five years, the truth about stucco houses and how they are installed has come to light through the media. Many homeowners find it more difficult to buy and sell stucco houses. The biggest problem with these houses is what’s lurking behind the stucco.

When it comes time to remove the stucco coating, we help you choose the right coating materials to replace them. In our experience, when this coating falls off, it must be replaced with vinyl or fibrocement coating. When we talk about remediation, we don’t mean quick solutions for cracks, stains or leaks. We mean taking root of the moisture problem in the liner so that the owner does not encounter major water damage problems in the future.